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Fisher gets his 5th major October 18, 2020, under breed judge Debbie Melgreen and is now an AKC Champion.
Fisher gets his 4th major October 15,2020, under judge Don Sutton at the Elgin Kennel Club Show.
Fisher is WD/BOW, September 27, 2020 at the Fargo Moorhead Kennel Club, West Fargo, ND under judge Alberto Berrios for his 3rd Major.
Fisher is WD/BOW, September 26, 2020 at the Fargo Moorhead Kennel Club, West Fargo, ND, under judge Patricia V. Trotter for his 2nd Major.
Fisher is WD/BOW, September 11, 2020 at Cambridge, MN under judge Charlie Olvis for his 1st Major.
Soda is Best of Opposite, February 16, 2020, at the Cyclone Country Kennel Club of Ames, Iowa show, under judge Mrs. Kathleen Carter.
Soda is Select Bitch, January 19, 2020, at the Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis Specialty Show under judge Debbie Claussen.
Soda is Select Bitch, January 18, 2020, at the Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis Specialty Show under judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman.
Soda is Select Bitch, January 18, 2020, at the Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis Specialty Show under judge Deborah A. Hubbard.
Soda is Best of Opposite, January 12, 2020, at the Winnegamie Dog Club under Judge Mr. Guy Jeavons
Soda is Best of Opposite, January 11, 2020, at the Winnegamie Dog Club under Judge Mr. Mark Houston-McMillan to earn her Grand Championship
Soda is Select Bitch, January 4, 2020, at the Land O Lakes Kennel Club under Judge Mrs. Janet Lobb
Soda is Select Bitch, January 3, 2020, at the Minnesota January Specialty under Judge Mrs. Siqux Forsyth-Green
Soda is Best of Opposite, December 8, 2019 at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Kennel Club under judge Ms. Linda L. Robey.
Soda is Select Bitch, December 7, 2019 at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Kennel Club under judge Mrs. Karin B. Ashe.
Soda is Select Bitch under Judge Robert Vandiver, November 24, 2019 at the Minneapolis Kennel Club All Breed Show
Soda is Select Bitch under Judge Jay Richardson, November 23, 2019 at the Minneapolis Kennel Club All Breed Show
Soda is 2018 GRAC National Select Bitch under judge Ellen Harden, Gray Summit, MO - Thank you Candy Nee, Jennifer Hoffman and Lindsay Siflinger for making this once-in-a-lifetime dream come true!
Garcin's 1st AKC Champion - Soda - 5 Point Major Win and Championship in Cheyenne, WY, under Judge Mr. Houston Clark. Huge thank you to Candy Nee, Jennifer Hoffman and Lindsay Siflinger for this opportunity and all that you did to make this happen. She really is "The Real Thing"!
Soda is WB BOS under judge Robert Shreve at the All Breed Show in Racine, WI August 12, 2018
Soda is WB 5 Point Major under Judge Judith A. Brown at Central Wyoming Kennel Club, Casper, Wyoming, July 27, 2018
Soda is WB under Judge Mrs. Anne Katona at the 70th Anniversary Duluth Kennel Club All Breed Show, July 13, 2018.
Soda is WB, BOW, BOS at Lake Minnetonka Kennel Club Show, June 9 &10, 2018
Soda is BOB, Group 1, RBOS under Judge Mary Ellen Meyer at Dodge County Canine Club, Beaver Dam, WI, May 13, 2018odaa
Soda is UKC Grand Champion May 12, 2018 at Dodge County Canine Club
Soda is RWB under Judge Marjorie Martorella, Burlington Kennel Club, Burlington, WI, August 1, 2017
Soda is RWB under Judge Sue Goldberg, Burlington Kennel Club, Burlington, WI, July 31, 2017
Soda is WB and BOW under Judge KeKe Kahn, Badger Kennel Club, Jefferson, WI, May 7, 2017
Soda is RWB under Judge Anne Savory Bolus, Janesville Kennel Club, Jefferson, WI, May 6, 2017
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